How To Create Multilingual Websites Using Kemet WordPress Block Theme and WPML?
Recently, WPML added support for the new WordPress Full Site Editing Theme, so you can have multi-language WordPress websites. Starting from Kemet WordPress Block Theme v 1.2.2, we are happy to announce that Kemet Theme is now integrated with WPML.

Installing WPML for Kemet WordPress Block Theme
From your dashboard, go to WPML -> Languages to set the default language, add languages to your sites and set up the language switcher button.

Translating Kemet Template Using WPML
First, you should register the strings for translation using WPML’s String Translation.
- Navigate to WPML > Theme and Plugins Localization.
- Scroll down to Strings in Themes section.
- Check Kemet from themes list.
- Click on scan selected theme for strings.
- A pop up will open waint until scan end then close it.

Second, theme strings now should be registered, now we can start to translate templates.
- Navigate to WPML > String Translation.
- From In Domain option select Kemet.
- Search for the string you'd like to translate.
- Click on plus sign.
- Insert your transaltion.