Are you a WordPress Full Site Editing User? If yes, do you feel uncomfortable with your theme’s default fonts and want to add your own Google Fonts to your WordPress Block-Based website? Wait a minute, Kemet WordPress Block Theme has got you covered!
Today, we are so excited to announce that, starting from now, you will be able to add, remove, and manage Google Fonts on your WordPress Block website. This exclusive feature will be easily found within Kemet FSE WordPress Block Theme. Download it from here, and give it a try. This theme is coming at no cost!
Add, Remove, and Manage Google Fonts on Your Full Site Editing WordPress Block Website

For all of the users who started building website(s) using WordPress 5.9 that supports the Full Site Editing experience, we know that you are struggling with the very limited font choices. In other words, we totally understand that you have no choice but to accept and use your default theme’s fonts. Well, this is not fair! You are your own designer and you have the right to feel free to pick your favorite fonts and use them on your WordPress website.
From here, as a team working on delivering a user-friendly WordPress theme, we put into count and considered this matter, asking how can solve this and how can we pamper you by covering your needs? The developers at Kemet have thought that implementing Google Fonts will be a very useful addition for the Full Site Editing (FSE) users. And here they are, they promised and fulfilled.

Now, you can add your favorite Google Font(s), adjust its weight, and save the changes. That’s it! Add as many Google Fonts as you want, remove the unnecessary fonts anytime or you can keep them, the choice is totally up to you.
Kemet the Free Full Site Editing WordPress Block Theme has exclusively implemented Google Fonts to give you the full flexibility to build your WordPress website exactly the way you want with no limitations. All you need to do is to add the Google Font(s) you need, then they will appear within the typography control on your theme’s editor. Make sure to download Kemet WordPress Block Theme and give it a try!