In January 2022, WordPress 5.9 “Josephine” update has released with an absolutely new era of building a WordPress website. This major update is focused on a Full Site Editing (FSE) experience that puts you in control of your whole website within your WordPress admin panel.
Kemet is a Block-Based multi-purpose WordPress theme that is entirely built to support the Full Site Editing experience. In this article, we will walk you through the exciting features that come for free within Kemet the Full Site Editing WordPress Block Theme.

Before We Start, What is a Full Site Editing WordPress Theme?
Simply with no complications, Full Site Editing which is commonly known as (FSE) will change the way we use WordPress themes as it will give you the full freedom to build your WordPress website from A to Z absolutely the way you want with no effort and of course with no coding knowledge required.
The Classic WordPress Theme Customizer Has Replaced With The New Global Styles
WordPress 5.9 has changed the way we control and customize our websites. The new WordPress Block-Based websites will no longer use the classic theme’s customizer as you will get the ability to customize and control your full website’s style globally from three places. Those places are Site, Templates, and Template Parts.

Then, What Tool Should I Use to Build My WordPress Block-Based Website?
“Gutenberg Blocks” Yes, this is the answer! You will get the ability to build your website’s Header, Footer, Sidebar, etc… using drag & drop Gutenberg blocks. And here we can spot the light on a very useful WordPress free plugin called Premium Blocks. This plugin will add powerful Gutenberg blocks to your Gutenberg editor to help you get a standout free WordPress Block-Based website. We recommend you to give it a try, it’s totally free of charge.

Get a Sophisticated WordPress Block-Based Website
Try Premium Blocks for Gutenberg
IMPORTANT* The Full Site Editor is only available within WordPress block-based themes which means that if you have a Classic WordPress Theme, you will control your website’s style from the regular customizer settings.
So, Why Do I Need to Use Kemet the Full Site Editing Theme to Build My WordPress Website?
Well, this is a very good question, Kemet is bundled with built-in WordPress Templates, Template Parts, and Block-Based Patterns, all of those pre-built layouts are totally ready to be used within your WordPress 5.9 website to allow you to get a full Block-Based WordPress website effortlessly.

Kemet Will Set Your Full WordPress Website in Minutes! No Need to Build Anything, Kemet Will Do the Job!
Kemet is proudly giving you well-crafted Template Parts, those template parts are all about ready-to-use Header Layouts, Footer Layout, Sidebar Widgets, and a Unique Right/Left Blog Layout “Query Loop”.
On the other hand, Kemet includes built-in Templates, those templates are reflecting the basic pages that are supposed to be included in any WordPress website such as 404 Page, Archive Page, Single Post Layout, etc.
Last but not least, we can’t proceed without spotting the light on the Block Patterns feature which is one of the most powerful features delivered in WordPress 5.9. Kemet WordPress Block theme is coming with pre-built section layouts to be used within your content area. Those ready-made layouts are commonly known as Block Patterns.
We can’t move without mentioning that you are totally free to build your own Template and Template Part. The canvas is totally yours! Click here to get to know more about Kemet Templates, Template Parts, and Block Patterns. And, how they actually work.

Set Your Whole WordPress Website Global Colors by Selecting From Kemet’s Ready-Made Authentic Color Palettes
Easily get your full website’s color scheme done by selecting from Kemet’s ready-made light and dark color palettes, all of them are well-picked. Don’t you like the pre-built color palettes and want to create your own? Well, you easily do that as you will be able to set your website’s colors using only 5 color controls; Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Foreground, and Background. That’s simple?! Yes, that’s simple!
WordPress 5.9 and Kemet the multi-purpose Full Site Editing WordPress theme with its powerful features – and much more are about to come in the nearest future – will put you on the correct and easiest way to get an outstanding world-class WordPress website done and fully ready in minutes.